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What Sets Us Apart

What Sets Us Apart

What Sets Us Apart

What Sets Us Apart

Who We Are

At Dispatch Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we are more than just a plumbing and heating company. We are a homegrown, family-run service that is deeply committed to our clients’ needs. With a passion for providing comfort and peace of mind, we have assembled a team of dedicated technicians who value the trust placed in us by our clients. Specializing in plumbing, heating, and drain cleaning, our technicians bring expertise and professionalism to every project. We take pride in going the extra mile to ensure our clients’ satisfaction, always striving to find the best solutions. Our goal is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, building lasting relationships with our customers. Choose Dispatch Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning and experience the difference of a team that genuinely cares about your well-being and is committed to delivering exceptional service every time.

Why Choose Dispatch Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning?

As your local comfort partner, we’re here to guide you through the process. Our expert team specializes in plumbing, heating and air conditioning, ensuring you get top-tier service every step of the way. Together, we’ll make sure you enjoy the benefits of this game-changing program. To learn more about this exciting opportunity or to discuss any of your plumbing, heating or cooling needs, give us a call at 778-508-1106 or email us at

Quality Installation

There are a lot of ways to do the job quicker and cheaper but we want our installs to look good and perform better. An example is where we locate our cleanouts. We will do more work to make sure cleanouts are located in closets and pantries rather than in the middle of walls. We put in additional shut-offs to make servicing easier and we always put shut-offs in accessible locations like a fridge shut off underneath a sink rather than behind the fridge where you would need to move the fridge to access it.


We always answer our phones and return phone calls. We respond to emails in a timely manner to keep the jobs moving forward. We have a team for 24/7 Emergency services that is ready to assist whenever needed.

Quality Materials

Since we are coming back year after year we need to put in better materials so they don’t fail. For example, we have had thermal expansion valves fail in the past so now we only use thermal expansion tanks. We have had multi-spin shut-offs fail in the past so now we only use ¼ turn.

Service After the Install

We like to do the annual maintenance at every job we complete, therefore we need to do a quality installation because we will be the team every year for 20+ years coming back to your home to make sure it is adequately maintained and purring like a kitten.

White Glove Treatment

We complete all of our finishing installations with new clean white gloves and all of our technicians are stocked with booties, drop sheets, moving blankets, shop vac, dustpan and broom. Cleanliness is a top priority!

Knowledge is Power

With 20 years of experience in residential custom homes and a “Yes We Can Do That” attitude we have learned what the customer wants. We have a list of recommendations we provide to the customer with an explanation of each item that they may not even know exists, but they will want it installed in their home. Ask us about our Debris Filter PRVs, Backwater Valves, and Automatic Water Shutoff Devices (that can also lower your monthly insurance bill)


We only hire team players that we know will get along with our team and our customers. We have a theory that we only hire people we feel comfortable sending to our grandmothers’ house. We have a long list of our team members that have been given cookies at the end of a quality installation at a grandmother’s house.

Back Office Support

In our office, we have a knowledgeable support staff that we leverage to stay ahead of the curve. Our Purchasing Manager streamlines our material orders and finds specialty items for clients. He can also assist our customers with ordering fixtures and parts. Our Executive Assistant prints off all our plans and interior drawings and pulls permits and schedules inspections. She emails clients all inspection reports and sends photos of our in-floor radiant heat piping.

Commitment to Improvement

Dispatch Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. is always focused on getting better. We are constantly attending training courses and learning about new practices and products. We have gone to Navien Boiler / Tankless Training in California and Furnace training in Texas among many others.

Planning to Succeed

We created a Job Startup Form for Contractors and Homeowners to fill in with as much information as possible. The form is designed to achieve the greater goal of working together to complete a quality project in a timely manner.

Creative Solutions

When a customer wants fashion over function sometimes we will need to come up with a new idea of how to design and install our systems. From sourcing alternative products or installing an unconventional resolution; this can make for a happy customer.

Local Memberships

We are proud members of the FortisBC Trade Ally Network, HAVAN Homebuilders Association of Vancouver, NSS Navien Sales and Service Specialist, Home Depot Pro Referral Program, and TECA Thermal Environmental Comfort Association. These associations have required us to provide references, credentials and complete training to become members.


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